An outgrowth of the group, the State Freedom Caucus Network, launched in 2021 in Georgia and has been spreading to other states since then. It has about 175 members this year — up more than a ...
By removing bloated administrative costs, the Trump administration is actually protecting and allowing the expansion of critical research.
Freedom Caucus leaders in the Wyoming House of Representatives are claiming victory after a legislative session in which most of their priorities got passed ...
Some House Republicans want to see stiffer penalties levied against Rep. Al Green and other Democrats for disrupting ...
The Freedom Caucus is made up of mostly incumbents seeking ... Fialko, Clausen and Shake were not elected in 2021 but rather appointed during the last four years to fill vacancies.
OKLAHOMA CITY — Oklahomans want and deserve to have an accounting of undocumented immigrants in the state, including of their children who are attending schools, members of the Freedom Caucus ...