The fact that smoking cessation at the time of diagnosis can improve the patient’s life expectancy is still not broadly understood. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to quantify the ...
Introduction Smoking rates among people living in rural and remote areas are higher and quit rates are lower over the past 10 years compared with people living in suburban and urban areas. Higher ...
Objective To clarify the association between cigarette smoking, smoking cessation and the risk of acute pancreatitis. Design A follow-up study was conducted of 84 667 Swedish women and men, aged 46–84 ...
This paper updates the evidence base and key recommendations of the Health Education Authority (HEA) smoking cessation guidelines for health professionals published in Thorax in 1998. The strategy for ...
So what new smoking cessation initiative can save lives and billions of dollars in health-care costs? A highly compelling analysis by a uOttawa Faculty of Medicine health economist explores the ...
Background The aim of this study was to estimate the long-term (cost-) effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Methods A ...
Each pharmacist has specialized training in smoking cessation. Patients enrolled in the program have been shown to have improved outcomes in their care and have benefited from our pharmacists’ ...
The analysis by Aline F Faers and colleagues 3 in this issue of The Lancet Public Health is the first to look at the effects of duration of smoking cessation before a diagnosis of lung cancer on ...
In 2015, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force released evidence-based recommendations for behavioral and pharmacological interventions to help people quit smoking. The recommendations are based on ...
Who should receive pharmacotherapy for smoking cessation? All smokers trying to quit except in the presence of special circumstances. Special consideration should be given before using pharmacotherapy ...