Even the strongest swimmers can get into trouble in the water. These safety tips will help spring breakers avoid some common mistakes during their beach vacation.
Florida isn't for everyone. Sometimes you want the shopping, the scenery, and the fun without the crowds. These Indiana destinations can offer that.
On Monday, Miami Beach Police unveiled their new Real Time Intelligence Center (RTIC) and launch of the Skydio's Drone as a First Responder (DFR) program. The department is the first agency in the state, one of only five departments nationwide, to implement Sykdio's DFR program.
Thousands will flock to Galveston Island for spring break this week. Here's what is new at Moody Gardens, in the historic district and new restaurants to try.
Spring break officially started on Monday, but construction will not take much of a break around Market Square.
Fort Worth prepares for spring break traffic with city planning and encourages online ticket purchase for zoo visits.