Ghana Black Maidens player Latifa Musah took a leaf from Afronita's books as she showed off her flawless dance moves Latifa shone brightly in Ghana's commanding victory against Côte d'Ivoire in ...
Musah's horror eight minutes started when there was a coming together between Josip Misic and Musah after a free kick was awarded to Zagreb, but then the American didn't dial back his game.
Musah went into the book 10 minutes later. In a fairly poor decision on his part, he decided to try and pull Raul Torrente back up off the floor while he was down trying to claim a free-kick.
“The 2nd goal, I wish I got a goal like that man!” added Musah, before heading over to his teammates who were in full celebration mode, and rightfully so! Despite, the light tease, there is no ...