Evolutionary biologist Huang Shi argues that lack of genetic diversity among East Asians suggests they are real ancestors of ...
One factor that is helping make Asia's travel rebound even stronger is a wave of relaxed visa rules across the region.
The new Chinese aircraft are not the first modern tailless designs. The Northrop Grumman B-2 and B-21 stealth bombers are ...
BEIJING: A man who killed 35 people in a car attack in the southern Chinese city of Zhuhai last month was sentenced to death ...
Asia's demographic shifts are poised to redefine the world order, with India, China, and Indonesia at the epicenter. The next ...
Construction has begun on a new railway linking China to Central Asian countries Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, Kyrgyz President ...
ISLAMABAD: The year 2024 was an active year for Pakistan’s diplomacy with a focus on enhancing Pakistan’s international ...
The government said in a news release that the fee for tourist type (e-visa T) would be slashed to $30 from the current $36, ...
The next time we write our weekly column, it will be the third day of 2025 and the beginning of another year of both ...
The colossal new train route stretches from Portugal to Singapore with an estimated travel time of 21 days, and goes through ...
U.S. billionaire Elon Musk backed Germany's Alternative for Germany (AfD) in a guest opinion piece for Germany's Welt am ...
SHANGHAI -- A 95-year-old survivor of the Japanese army's "comfort women" system during World War II, passed away on Saturday in Central China's Hunan province, leaving only eight registered survivors ...