LEXINGTON, N.C. (WGHP) — 3 adults and a child were able to safely escape a home that caught on fire on Saturday morning ...
The woman who was killed got out of her car to check on a car that had crashed on the Loop 202 near 40th Street in Phoenix ...
From an explanation of what hantavirus pulmonary syndrome is, to a good Samaritan being killed on Loop 202 in Phoenix, here ...
A good Samaritan was killed when she went to check on a driver who had just crashed into a median wall on Loop 202 Sunday ...
A good Samaritan was killed when DPS says she went to check on a driver who crashed on Loop 202 on Sunday morning. She didn't ...
A good Samaritan was killed after getting out of her car to check on a crash on a busy east Phoenix freeway on Sunday morning ...
A woman checking on a vehicle's occupants who crashed after losing control was killed after another vehicle struck her on ...
In a tragic and troubling incident that underscores the risks posed by illegal immigration, two murder suspects have been linked to the killing of a good Samaritan in Los Angeles County. Juan Miguel ...
Cameras caught a driver dropping off a dog at a dead end road in Surprise before a good Samaritan found and rescued the puppy. FOX 10's Kenzie Beach has the story.
Two suspects arrested for allegedly murdering a Los Angeles man were in the country illegally and have lengthy criminal ...
After only 45 minutes of deliberations, jurors convicted Michael John Kraft of two counts of vehicular homicide, two counts ...