The discussion about Slovakia's possible withdrawal from the European Union (Slovexit) is gaining momentum after the Deputy ...
What do we know about the 18-year-old student who murdered at the school at Spišská Stará Ves? Information is gradually ...
The Prime Minister described the delegation's visit to Kiev as support for Ukrainian interests, while Šutaj Eštok told Progresívne Slovensko that they should rather go around the Slovak regions.
Minister Blanár said that the Slovak government had sent an open letter to President Zelensky inviting him to talks on topical issues. "We expected a reaction, and it came. But I don't think it was ...
The conflict in Ukraine and the supply of energy carriers to Europe were the main topics of the meeting of the Vice-Presidents of the National Council Tibor Gašpar and Andrej Danko with the Russian ...
Pre zobrazenie videa je potrebné povoliť JavaScript. Where is Slovakia's foreign policy heading? What did the Prime Minister promise the Huliaks? How will the coalition deal with the Mughals and what ...
Pre zobrazenie videa je potrebné povoliť JavaScript. On Monday (13 January), Prime Minister Robert Fico addressed an open letter to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, in which he once again ...
VfB Sttutgart má v ligovej fáze Ligy majstrov na konte 7 bodov a je 26-ty. Duel so Slovanom je tak preň mimoriadne dôležitý a ...
Poradca prezidenta Ján Kubiš v Réme dňa reagoval na slová Tibora Gašpara o možnom vystúpení Slovenska z EÚ a NATO.
Nečakaná tragédia, ktorá minulý týždeň otriasla gymnáziom v Spišskej Starej Vsi, poukázala na slabiny v systéme informovania ...
Donald Trump sa po štvorročnej pauze opäť nasťahoval do Bieleho domu. Zložil prísahu a oficiálne sa stal 47. prezidentom USA.
Inauguráciu Donalda Trumpa sledoval celý svet. Staronový prezident sa vracia do Bieleho domu. Slávnostný ceremoniál sa mal ...