The Communist Party of Australia believes there is a way to overcome Australia’s economic and social problems. To do this it is necessary to change the direction of politics in Australia and, …
Resolutions, Guardian articles, photos, what delegates had to say can be found on our CPA Nation Congress page. It covers the 2013, 2009, 2005, and 2001 Congresses.
Introduction How the CPA Works aims to inform new members and prospective members of the party about the structure of the party and the rights and duties of members.
5 days ago · “It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.” When Dickens wrote those words he was talking of hope and of despair. In Australia, in 2025, the rich and fatuous are …
What is the CPA? 1. WHAT THE CPA STANDS FOR The Communist Party is a party of activists who work in trade unions, peace and environmental groups, solidarity organisations and a …
Apr 5, 2021 · The CPA is just commencing the process of Party-wide discussion of the draft Political Resolution to be adopted by the 14th Congress to be held in Sydney on 29-31 …
Oct 7, 2013 · Delegates Speak More than 35 delegates made a contribution during Congress, covering a wide range of issues. Some spoke about their party branch and the struggles they …
CPA members are active members of their trade unions and seek to play an active role in their union in the workplace and at all levels of the union. The CPA aims to strengthen and support …
The CPA 14th Congress directs the incoming Central Committee to organise a face-to-face CPA National Organising conference at the first possible available opportunity. The organising …